Poster session: Poster Session 1 and coffee break
- Franco Alladio (ENEA-FSN-Fusphy)
Guiding Centre theory has been developed to describe the dynamics of charged particles subject to the Lorentz force. In the context of fusion theory, it is used in numerical simulations to find approximate trajectories of particles in an external field which can be locally approximated by a straight uniform one, but also the collective effect of an ensemble of such particles as a part of a...
The largest normalized energy confinement attained over a confinement time on NSTX (H98 > 1.5) was achieved in the ELM-free Enhanced Pedestal (EP) H-mode regime [1-3] that features a wide pedestal with a significant increase in the edge carbon temperature and rotation gradients. These discharges achieve improved energy and momentum confinement with a beneficial decrease in the impurity...
The neutral beam injection (NBI) system commissioning and first beam heating experiments in Versatile Experiment Spherical Torus (VEST) have been carried out. The ion beam power of ~0.6MW was successfully extracted from the ion source through commissioning. The ion source consists of arc plasma source and multi-aperture accelerator assembly which is developed by Korea Atomic Energy Research...
The low aspect ratio spherical tokamak MEDUSA (Madison Educational Small Aspect Ratio Tokamak) built by the University of Wisconsin-Madison (USA) and donated to $\textit{Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica}$ is currently being re-commissioned at $\textit{PlasmaTEC}$. The main characteristics of this device (renamed MEDUSA-CR) are: plasma major radius $R_0$ < 0.14 m, plasma minor radius a <...
The electron Bernstein wave (EBW) is a promising method for heating and current drive in overdense plasmas. To evaluate spontaneous conditions for EBW heating on SUNIST spherical tokamak, EBW emissions in the frequency of 3 to 6 GHz, corresponding to the fundamental and second harmonic in low toroidal field (0.1 T) discharge, were measured and analyzed. Emissions were collected by an in-vacuum...
Recent research on MHD instabilities in VEST (Versatile Experiment Spherical Torus) has focused on the tearing mode during current ramp up phase and the so-called IRE (Internal Reconnection Event) known to occur frequently in spherical torus. The tearing mode at the current ramp-up phase, known to be related to the hollow current density profile with fast ramp-up rate, seems to be suppressed...
The eight major scope items in the NSTX-U Recovery Project include: (1) six redesigned inner PF coils, (2) redesigned upper and lower polar region structures, (3) redesigned select plasma facing components, (4) improved bake-out, (5) additional component stress/strain trending instrumentation, (6) enhanced test cell shielding, (7) implementation of the accelerator safety order, and (8)...
Helicity injection is a non-inductive current drive method used in the startup of Spherical Torus and Spheromak. The mechanism of current drive is explained by Taylor relaxation by which the plasma will relax into the Taylor state. The most important feature of Taylor state is that $\lambda\equiv{j\cdot B}/{\vert B^2\vert}$ is constant all over the plasma. However, the research of how the...