9:15 AM
Final results of the Phase-1 of the PROTO-SPHERA experiment and first evidences of plasma tori production and sustainment
Paolo Micozzi
(ENEA C.R. Frascati)
9:50 AM
Present and future plans of PROTO-SPHERA
Franco Alladio
(Centro Ricerche ENEA, Frascati C.P. 65, Rome, Italy)
10:10 AM
Technical Benefits of the PROTO-SPHERA Confinement Configuration
Alessandro Lampasi
10:30 AM
Analytical studies of PROTO-SPHERA equilibria
Paolo Buratti
11:15 AM
MAST-U experimental programme: From first plasma to first campaign
Andrew Thornton
11:50 AM
MAST Upgrade - features and status
Brian Lloyd
12:10 PM
First operation of the Lithium Tokamak Experiment - β
R. Majeski
(Princeton Plasma Physics Lab)