28–31 Oct 2019
Europe/Rome timezone

Status and Plans for the NSTX-U Recovery Project

Not scheduled
F23 Hall

F23 Hall


Dr Stanley Kaye (Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory)


The eight major scope items in the NSTX-U Recovery Project include: (1) six redesigned inner PF coils, (2) redesigned upper and lower polar region structures, (3) redesigned select plasma facing components, (4) improved bake-out, (5) additional component stress/strain trending instrumentation, (6) enhanced test cell shielding, (7) implementation of the accelerator safety order, and (8) reassembly of NSTX-U components with improved alignment. Since then, the design maturity of the Recovery scope has increased such that by this meeting >90% of the scope will have completed a preliminary design review and >70% a final design review. In addition, a comprehensive analysis of the TF bundle has been conducted to ensure that it meets the project requirements. The design, cost and schedule will be reviewed this summer and presented. Progress, status, and plans for the NSTX-U Recovery Project will be described.

Primary authors

Dr Stanley Kaye (Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory) Dr Stefan Gerhardt (Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory) Dr R.J. Hawryluk (Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory) Mr Leslie Hill (Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory) Mr Charles Neumeyer (Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory) NSTX-U Recovery Team (Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory)

Presentation materials

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