The Mega Amp Spherical Tokamak (MAST) is currently being extensively upgraded to provide a system that will be able to add to the knowledge base for ITER as well as testing innovative reactor systems such as the Super-X divertor. MAST-U will have increased coil system and power supply capability. Therefore, to ensure operation of MAST-U within safe engineering limits, the machine protection...
Active control of the toroidal current density profile is one of the plasma control milestones that the National Spherical Tokamak eXperiment - Upgrade (NSTX-U) program must achieve to realize and sustain high-performance, MHD-stable plasma operation. As a first step towards the realization of this goal, a nonlinear, control-oriented, physics-based model describing the temporal evolution of...
Plasma Position Reflectometry (PPR) presents an alternative to the employment of magnetic based diagnostics in the determination of the plasma separatrix position. For future controlled nuclear fusion devices, where harsh radiation environment may induce drifts and even damage magnetic probes, PPR can play a major role as a diagnostic for plasma position control during machine operation.
In the future of fusion activities, the mastering of tritium release is a challenge which needs tritium R&D as well as better understanding of tritium impacts on health and environment. We have been working for years on such topics and the purpose of this presentation is to highlight some of the outcomes of these activities.
First, tritium inventory (TI) of different fusion relevant materials...
The work described in this paper was performed in the frame of the European Fusion Programme (EUROfusion), Power Plant Physics and Technology (PPPT) section, Balance of Plant (BoP) work package for EU DEMO Fusion Power Plant (FPP). DEMO BoP mainly consists of the Primary Heat Transfer System (PHTS), the Intermediate Heat Transfer System (IHTS) that uses HITEC salt as coolant and is equipped...
The design of China Fusion Engineering Test Reactor (CFETR) involves complex system structure and intricate constrains, and the design work will be performed by a great number of geographically distributed groups. To support the design work consistently and effectively, the CFETR Integration Design Platform (CIDP) is being developed [IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 45 (2017) 512; Fusion Eng. Des. 123...
Pre-conceptual design studies for a European Demonstration Fusion Power Plant (DEMO) have been in progress since 2014. At this stage, while a range of design options are being considered, it is essential that assessments are carried out of the safety and environmental impact of these options. This is not only to ensure that the DEMO plant is optimised for safety performance, but also that it...