ITER will operate with a full-tungsten (W) divertor made of 54 water-cooled cassettes equipped with W armoured plasma-facing units. The units that protect the vertical targets are made of W monoblocks bonded to poloidal copper-chromium-zirconium (CuCrZr) cooling tubes.
The maximum design heat flux on W monoblocks located in the vertical target part is specified as 20 MW/m2 for 10 seconds...
Thermo-mechanical stability, oxidation and fuel management are driving issues behind the development of new plasma-facing materials for fusion. In recent years significant progress has been made in developing new material types with enhanced toughness (fibre reinforced tungsten (W) – Wf/W) compared to bulk tungsten, Smart-W, with suppressed oxidation and also new advanced copper based...
Processes of material migration, fuel retention and dust generation are key elements in studies of plasma-facing components (PFC) in the JET tokamak with ITER-Like Wall with beryllium limiters and tungsten divertor. Detailed determination of quantity, location, morphology and size of dust are carried out at JET to respond to the ITER needs for safety assessment and to provide input for...
A new concept of the liquid metal limiter/divertor, REVLOVER-D, which uses multiple free-falling jets of liquid tin as a target, has been proposed. This concept can accommodate the high heat load of several tens of MW per square meter, whereas formation of the stable continuous flow is one of key issues. To avoid the transformation of the jets into droplets due to surface tension instability,...
Neutron diffraction measurements have been carried out for non-destructive characterization of the residual stress fields in a mock-up of the ITER-like divertor target plasma-facing component which consists of 4 tungsten blocks joined to a copper alloy (CuCrZr) cooling pipe via a thick soft copper interlayer. The mock-up was manufactured by the hot radial pressing technique at ENEA-Frascati in...
The WEST (W -for tungsten- Environment in Steady-state Tokamak) tokamak, is based on an upgrade of the Tore Supra machine [1]. It consists in implementing an actively cooled tungsten divertor for testing high heat flux technology. Beside the presently tested ITER divertor technology (i.e. W-monoblock), the WEST team has also devoted time, in collaboration with ASIPP (China), into the...
The development of a solution for the removal of heat and particles from the reactor is a key area of present-day fusion research as it determines the performance, lifetime and safety of future fusion power plants. The linear plasma facility Magnum-PSI is capable of exposing materials to steady-state plasma conditions similar to those foreseen in ITER and DEMO. In addition, the machine is...