Advanced magnetic divertor configuration is one of the attractive methods to spread the heat fluxes over divertor targets in tokamak because of enhanced scrape-off layer transport and an increased plasma wetted area on divertor target. Exact snowflake (SF) for EAST is only possible at very low plasma current due to poloidal coil system limitation. However, we found an alternative way to...
JET presents some unique capabilities: the reactor fuel, ITER wall materials and the capability to confine the alphas. JET next T-T and D-T experimental campaigns can therefore address major physics and technological gaps for the development of fusion energy: the isotopic effects on confinement, the access the H mode and ELM behaviour. The total yield of the final D-T phase is expected to be...
There is proposed a new upper divertor for the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak experiment [1]. It is planned to be equipped with internal coils for investigation of advanced magnetic configurations like e.g. „snowflake“. Due to the close vicinity of the coils to the plasma, high induced and very stiff voltages are expected during disruption events. Because only very vague analytical estimates of...
There is an increasing need for integrating individual plasma-control algorithms with the ultimate goal of simultaneously regulating more than one plasma property. Some of these integrated-control solutions should have the capability of arbitrating the authority of the individual plasma-control algorithms over the available actuators within the tokamak. Such decision-making process must run in...
The Institute of Plasma Physics of the CAS in Prague has recently started construction of new COMPASS-U tokamak. It will be a compact, medium-size (R = 0,85 m, a = 0,3 m), high-magnetic-field (5 T) device. COMPASS-U will be equipped by a flexible set of poloidal field coils and capable to operate with plasma current up to 2 MA and, therefore, high plasma density (~ 10^20 m^-3). The device is...
Fusion energy becomes essential to solve the problem of increasing energy demands. A high intensity D-T fusion neutron generator is keenly needed for the research and development (R&D) of fusion technology, especially for fusion materials research.
The Institute of Nuclear Energy Safety Technology (INEST), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) has launched the High Intensity D-T Fusion Neutron...
The experiments that are planned over the next few years at the Joint European Torus (JET), notably including a deuterium-tritium (DT) experimental phase, are expected to produce large neutron yields, up to 1.7E21 neutrons. The scientific objectives of the experiments are linked with a technology programme, WPJET3, to deliver the maximum scientific and technological return from those...