IFMIF-DONES (International Fusion Material Irradiation Facility- DEMO Oriented NEutron Source) is an IFMIF-based neutron irradiation facility which aims at providing the irradiation data required for the construction of a DEMO fusion power plant. Comparing with IFMIF, DONES consists of only one deuteron accelerators (40 MeV and 125 mA), and utilizes only the High Flux Test Module (HFTM) for the irradiation of material specimens. The Test Cell (TC) in the IFMIF-DONES facility is the central confinement to envelop the end section of the accelerator, the HFTM, the lithium target assembly and some other lithium system components. A new design of the HFTM was recently developed for DONES, which has direct influence on the radiation distribution of the TC.
In this work, neutronics analyses have been performed on the bio-shield and liner, which are the essential confinements of the TC, with the updated HFTM design. The McDeLicious-17 code, which is an extension to the MCNP6-1.0 Monte Carlo code with the capability to simulate the deuterium-lithium neutron source in IFMIF-DONES, is employed in the calculations. Neutron and gamma flux, dose rate, nuclear heating, DPA and helium production have been calculated, using both a normal deuteron beam footprint size of 20 x 5 cm and a reduced beam footprint size of 10 x 5 cm. Using the normal beam size, the calculation results show that the high He production rate around beam level limits the possibilities of re-welding of the TC liner. The neutron dose rate in the Access Cell above the TC partially exceeds the limited for frequent access, hence additional local shielding is suggested. It is found that the nuclear distributions in the TC using reduced beam size are quite similar with that using normal beam size.