16–21 Sept 2018
Giardini Naxos
Europe/Rome timezone

P4.101 Conceptual design of the power supply systems for the Divertor Tokamak Test facility

20 Sept 2018, 11:00
Posters Hall - ATA Hotel Naxos Beach Resort (Giardini Naxos)

Posters Hall - ATA Hotel Naxos Beach Resort

Giardini Naxos

Via Recanati, 26 Giardini Naxos, Messina - Sicily (Italy)


Simone Minucci (ENEA)


The Divertor Tokamak Test (DTT) facility will be the link between ITER and DEMO as regards the power exhaust in the divertor structure. In order to accomplish this main goal, the Italian DTT will be a full-working tokamak. According to the last requirements and the physical, engineering and economic constraints, the current DTT design has a major radius above 2 m and an aspect ratio of 0.65. The DTT coil power supplies are designed to achieve a toroidal field of 6 T and a 5.5 MA plasma in single-null configuration.
The Pulsed Power Electrical Network (PPEN) will be able to feed for 100 s: 6 independent superconducting modules of the Central Solenoid (CS); 6 Poloidal Field (PF) superconducting coils; some internal coils for fast plasma control; the radiofrequency additional heating systems (ECRH and ICRH). The peak power absorption for the superconducting coils and the additional heating can reach 60 MVA and 160 MVA, respectively. A future PPEN upgrade is foreseen for the installation of a Neutral Beam Injector able to deliver up to 25 MW to the plasma.
The power supplies feeding the CS and PS coils are equipped with 4-quadrant converters and mechanisms for breakdown and emergency discharge. Current studies are devoted to the feasibility of ultracapacitor-based solutions for the design of alternative energy storage systems and assisting breakdown systems.
The total peak power absorption of the auxiliary systems fed by the Steady State Electrical Network (SSEN) was estimated around 50 MVA. This include about 3 MVA for the 18 Toroidal Field (TF) superconducting coils. In order to ensure a safety margin and to give some room to future upgrades, the request for the grid operator has been doubled. Several solutions are foreseen to keep the global power factor of the facility above 0.9.

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