The presentation is focused on approaches and results of simulations and used for loading analyses made for Upper Vertical Neutron Camera (UVNC), including spatial stress strain state, seismic analysis, electromagnetic analysis as well as the most important load combinations.
The Vertical Neutron Camera is a multichannel neutron collimator intended to measure the time resolved neutron emission profile for both DD and DT ITER plasmas.
Finite element model of the UVNC was created based on UVNC PDR stage design. Also, simplified model of the DSM was created. This model was used in thermal and thermal stress analyses to describe in a correct way interface loads received from DSM structure. Only in-vessel components of the UVNC structure were considered at this analysis stage.
The following single load cases are considered according to the System Load Specification: dead weight, coolant pressure loads, seismic loads, EM loads due to EM transients, thermal loads, interface loads.
Thermal-hydraulic analysis of the UVNC cooling system was conducted. Temperature, wall heat transfer coefficient, coolant pressure and velocity fields were obtained for the cooling channels. Wall heat transfer coefficient from CFD analysis was used as a boundary condition in the FE transient thermal analyses of normal operation and baking modes. Based on thermal analysis results, UVNC structural analysis was carried out, stress-strain state was analyzed.
Linear spectrum method was used in the seismic analysis to obtain volumetric distribution of stress and displacement in the UVNC structure due to seismic loads. Electromagnetic analysis was conducted for the most severe plasma disruption event to determine values of affecting structure forces and moments. Stress strain states due to plasma disruption events were obtained based on EM analysis results. Finally, the load combinations from System Load Specification were studied and the obtained results were analyzed using RCC-MR criteria