Soon, ELI-NP will become available for experiments of unprecedented performance with two very high intensity laser beams of 10PW and pulse duration of about 25fs, which are focused on to targets giving intensities up to $10^{23}$W/cm$^2$ [1], [2].
Within this facility the problems with EMP [3] are particularly acute, where measurements of the unique physical phenomena [4], [5] are often hampered by EMP peak-up. The EMP produced in laser target interactions can induce temporally failure, or irreversible damage of electronic devices in the target positioners, controls and diagnostic systems [6].
The information on EMP produced by fs laser - matter interaction, even for relatively low laser energy of tens of mJ, started to become available in literature [7]. These experimental results and theoretical calculations are consistent with our current understanding on EMP generation mechanism [8]. Consequently, we now have a more accurate estimation of the EMP to be generated at ELI-NP, in correlation with the limits of exposure for electronic equipment and personnel. In this challenging context, the shielding strategy applied at ELI-NP is presented with the current status of the implementation of the EMP shielding within the building. The important aspects, which shall be considered in the design of experimental instruments, in order to obtain and maintain the overall integrity of electromagnetic shield, are pointed out. Most significant approaches for the shielding the equipment susceptible by EMP damage and malfunction, to be applied soon at ELI-NP, are presented for review to the scientific community.
[1]. N.V. Zamfir, Romanian Reports in Physics, Vol. 68, Supplement, P. S3–S4, 2016
[2]. S. Gales, Romanian Reports in Physics, Vol. 68, Supplement, P. S5–S10, 2016
[3]. M. Mead et.al., Rev. Sci. Instrum.,75, 4225, 2004
[4]. F. Negoita et al., Romanian Reports in Physics, Vol. 68, Supplement, P. S37–S144, 2016
[5]. I. C. E. Turcu et al., Romanian Reports in Physics, Vol. 68, Supplement, P. S145–S231, 2016
[6]. D. C. Eder et al., Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Report, LLNL-TR-411183, 2009
[7]. A. Poye et al., Physical Review E 98, 033201, 2018
[8]. M. Mead, “Extreme Light Infrastructure – ELI Nuclear Physics, EMP Shielding and Damage Mitigation”, IFIN-HH Document No. 1999/03.05.2012, Issue: 1”