5–7 Dec 2022
IPP Garching, Building L6,
UTC timezone
Notice: EUROfusion funding for travel to Garching to attend the "WPDIV-IDTT 2022 EYM (End of Year Meeting)" is possible via mission application on IMS

Social events

Coffee Breaks
Coffee breaks and soft drinks will be provided to all registered participants.

We have a canteen at IPP area. They provide 3 meals, salads, desserts and other snacks. Costs for a single dish are between 6,00 and 8,50 €. The quality is good.
As well there is street food, a bakery and a restaurant for burger dishes and Currywurst nearby and a Mensa at the university campus (about 15 Minutes for walk).We kindly ask you to indicate in the registration form if you intend to have Lunch at the canteen or elsewhere so that we would reserve a table for those days.

Social Dinner 
A conference dinner (self funded) will be organized. You are kindly asked to indicate in the registration form if you will participate.
The dinner should take place on Tuesday, 6 December 2022 from 7:30 pm in a Bavarian restaurant in Garching. Further details will be published asap.