10–11 May 2022
UTC timezone


ENEA has reserved a block of rooms at Hotel Massimino that are within the per diem rate. It is right next to the Casaccia Research Center.

You must book your own hotel and will be reimbursed for your stay within the per diem maximum. Per diem rates for Italy can be found here. The daily meals and incidentals rate can be found there as well, and you will be reimbursed for this daily rate for expenses minus any meals covered by the workshop or your hotel.

Hotel Massimino is blocking rooms for us until April 18. Please book your reservation with them by April 18 if you wish to stay there and let us know by email where you plan to stay by April 18You will be reimbursed for a stay arriving the day before the workshop and leaving the day after the workshop: May 9-12, 2022.

The workshop organizers and many of the U.S.-nominated participants are planning on staying at Rome Aleph Hilton

Of course, save any receipts so we can ensure you are properly reimbursed for business related expenses.