Meetings Poland-Italy
Frascati 28-29 September 2018
Hotel Cacciani, Sala Antica Pergola
Draft Agenda
Sala Antica Pergola
09.00 A. Pizzuto Welcome
09.15 P. Martin DTT Situation
10.00 Coffee Break (sala Rubino)
10.15 R. Zagorski IPPLM activities
10.55 V. Pericoli Liquid Li and Sn as DTT divertor targets, comparison of their effects on the heat loads and SOL properties
11.15 O. Tudisco FTU plans
11.35 P. Martin RFX plans
11.55 B. Esposito ITER Neutron Camera
12:25 A. Frattolillo DTT Cryoplant
12.55 Lunch Break (sala Cacciani)
Sala Antica Pergola
14.00 P. Innocente DTT Divertor simulatios
14.30 M. Valisa DTT Diagnostics
15.00 S. Villari DTT Neutronics
15.30 Coffee Break (sala Rubino)
15.45 I.Zychor: Gamma-ray diagnostics in tokamaks
16:05 R. Zagórski: Integrated Modelling for DTT tokamak with Liquid Metal Divertor Targets
16:20 M. Chernyshova: GEM detectors for Soft X-ray diagnostics in tokamaks
16:35 M.Kubkowska: Contribution of IPPLM to the DTT diagnostic systems
16:50 M.Rabiński: Cherenkov detectors for DTT
17:05 J.Poliński: WrUT experience in cryogenic systems
17:25 Ł.Ciupiński: FEM analyses and material studies for fusion devices
17.45 P. Martin – R. Zagorski Concluding Remarks
18.00 End of theSession
20.00 Social dinner (Sala Cacciani)
Sala Antica Pergola
09.00 F. Crisanti – R. Zagorski Open Table for main Cooperation points
10.15 Coffee Break (sala Rubino)
10.30 Closed Session for the Formal Agreement
12.00 R. Zagorski – A. Pizzuto Meeting Summary
12.30 End of theMeeting
13.00 Lunch (sala Cacciani)