WPENR: Enabling Research
Nano-engineered REBCO Superconducting Tapes for High Fields Applications
Kick-off Meeting
ENEA Research Center, Bruno Brunelli Hall, Frascati January, 21st 2019.
9:40 G. Celentano (ENEA): Welcome and Introduction of the project: organization, work plan and objectives of the project
Technical presentations
WP1 + WP2
10:00 F. Rizzo (ENEA): PLD YBCO activities;
10:15 A. Palau (ICMAB): MOD YBCO activities at ICMAB;
10:30 T. Petrisor jr (TUCN): MOD YBCO activities at TUCN and ENEA;
10:45 Coffee Break
11:15 E. Silva (ROMA TRE): microwave measurements;
11:30 A. Palau (ICMAB): TEM investigations and Jc analysis;
11:45 A. Augieri (ENEA): High-field transport measurements;
12:00 A. Augieri (ENEA) & R. Lamanna (ENEA): Advanced X-Ray & High resolution NMR techniques;
12: 15 Lunch Break
13:45 General discussion and Conclusions (all participants);
15:00 End