We are pleased to announce that after the ECLIM2022 Conference and the EMP workshop, a satellite meeting will be held on Laser-Plasma Instabilities in Inertial Confinement Fusion (LPI in ICF). The workshop will take place in ENEA - Centro Ricerche Frascati, Italy on 27 September 2022.
The following three topics are proposed:
The workshop is supported by Laserlab-Europe AISBL and by Associations de Lasers et Plasmas and is organized by the Expert/Interest Group on "Laser-driven ICF/IFE".
Talk format: oral presentations of 12 minutes with a large time attributed to discussions.
Abstract submission deadline: 31 August 2022.
We strongly encourage in-person attendance, but we envisage on-line participation as well. Participation is free of charge and is supported by LaserLab-Europe Expert Group Laser-driven ICF/IFE and Association Lasers and Plasmas.
Zoom link for remote participation: