The millimeter wave and terahertz regions are frontier areas for research in physics, chemistry, materials science, biophysics, biology, and medicine. The interest in novel imaging, sensing and spectroscopy in the above communities has grown steadily during the past fifteen years, as new instrumentation and techniques have become available. Research networks have been established in various countries, with thriving cross-disciplinary programs supporting new applications. Starting with the International THz-Bridge Workshop in 2002, over the years several events have been dedicated to various aspects of THz radiation such as dosimetry, modeling of the interaction with bio-systems, applications in life and medical sciences. In 2010 a workshop series entitled "International THz-Bio Workshop" started in Korea with the support of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology. During last year edition of the workshop, the international organizing committee was encouraged to consider a rotation of this workshop series between different geographical areas. It was then decided to host the THz-Bio Workshop 2017 in Italy. The 2017 venue will be ENEA-Frascati and the selected dates are 4-6 October 2017. The aim of the "THz-Bio Workshop" is to bring together scientists from different communities to discuss a broad range of scientific issues in the Terahertz and adjacent parts of the Infrared and Microwave spectral regions. Topics of the Workshop include: Spectroscopic measurements on biological systems of increasing complexity, mechanisms of interaction and effects induced by the electromagnetic field, safety issues, technological developments of terahertz active & passive instrumentations and THz-Bio sensing & imaging. The programme of the Workshop will consist of invited and contributed papers, posters and a technical exhibit. Selected papers presented at the Workshop will be published as a special issue of the Journal of Infrared, Millimeter and THz Waves. On the behalf of the organizing committee I cordially invite you to attend the “8th International THz-Bio Workshop”. The seat availability is limited to 100 and I encourage you to express your interest in participating as soon as possible. Looking forward to meeting you in Frascati next October.
Gian Piero Gallerano THz-Bio Workshop Chair