Videoconference Details below
G. Giruzzi, E. Joffrin
CEA, IRFM, F-13108 Saint-Paul-lez-Durance, France
20 gennaio 2020
Aula Bruno Brunelli, ENEA Frascati
JT-60SA is a large fully superconducting new tokamak device being built jointly by Europe and Japan, and due to start operation in September 2020. Efficient start-up of operation and scientific exploitation of such a large experimental device by an international team is a challenging enterprise, in many aspects similar to what is expected for ITER. In order to optimize such a start phase, a broad set of preparation activities has been carried out for years and is now focusing on the forthcoming experiments. They involve the elaboration of the JT-60SA Research Plan, advanced modelling in various domains, feasibility studies, conception and procurement by EU of diagnostics and other sub-systems in connection with the priorities of the scientific programme, development and validation of operation tools (data and analysis system, remote participation, magnetic control, wall conditioning etc.). These activities are carried out in a coordinated way by a joint Japanese-EU JT-60SA Research Unit, with the EU team organized in the framework of the EUROfusion WPSA work package, in close interaction with the F4E JT-60SA home team. The logic and coherence of this approach, as well as examples of the main results obtained so far, are presented and summarized.
EU participation in the Integrated Commissioning phase is the object of a recently issued EUROfusion call. The objectives and conditions of this call will be illustrated. The interest of participating in the Integrated Commissioning of JT-60SA, in view of the future commissioning of other tokamaks (ITER, DTT) will be discussed.
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